Do you feel like you are at the end of your rope? Do you feel like you are wrapped in sin and you can’t get out? Are you in an “impossible” situation?
Don’t give up! God is faithful.
I want to tell you a story. I was in a position of authority in my job. A patron was disobeying the rules and, in the process, was not respecting me. All I kept thinking in my mind was…does she know who she’s talking to? If she knew, she would not be talking to me like that! Does she know that I need to make one phone call and she’s out? Does she know that I know the rules because I made the rules? Does she understand that I am taking notes and recording everything that she is saying?
A couple days later, I was in my morning prayer time and I was confessing my sins. The Lord brought to remembrance the thoughts that were in my head during that encounter. He obviously was bringing them to remembrance because they needed to be confessed. Although I didn’t say those things, the thoughts were sinful and not right. After confessing, God speak these words to me:
Do YOU know who YOU are talking to? I don’t think you know who you are talking to because your prayers are really small. If you knew who you were talking to, you would be praying bigger prayers. Do you know that I don’t need to make a phone call, because I am the final say? Do YOU know who you are talking to? Do you understand that I know the rules because I made the rules? I made the universe and everything in it. Do you understand that I am also recording everything that is happening and MY justice will come. Do you understand that I am in complete control and no man or evil can overcome my plans? Angela, do you know who you are talking to?
Friends, I came away from that prayer time with my face glowing. I felt like God was as near as He had ever been to me. In His great love for me, He allowed me to be in a position of authority so that I could understand HIS position of authority. He made it very clear to me that He is large and in charge. That He has the final say. That He will get what He wants and that NOTHING can stop Him from getting His way.
Do you know that “His way” is perfect. God has NO evil in Him. He is pure and holy and sovereign. He is for us and not against us. His intentions are always good and He can see the BIG picture.
Somewhere along the line I had been believing the lie that certain things are just too big for God. That God won’t or can’t fix certain things and that He is powerless in certain situations.
Those are BIG lies. The enemy wants us to believe that he and his evil are more powerful than God. Once we believe those lies, we sink into fear, despair, loneliness, depression and so many other negative beliefs.
I encourage you today to reflect and pray and to seek God on those things in your life that you have "given up" on God to fix. Ask forgiveness for believing the lie that God is powerless and allow Him to remind you of who He is!
Father, thank you that You are POWERFUL! That You are the highest of high, the one and only true God. No evil or man can overcome Your will. You have the final say and You are large and in-charge. We know how the story ends. It ends with YOUR victory. You are for us and not against us. You have our best interests in mind. You will make good whatever the enemy meant for evil. Your justice will always come. You are never in fear or in wonderment of how things will turn out. You are all-knowing and all-powerful. Thank you for being our Rock and for Your faithfulness even when we can’t feel You. We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28).